Eben ist im Springer Verlag ein neues Buch zum Thema Versöhnung erschienen: Franco-German Relations Seen from Abroad, Post-war Reconciliation in International Perspectives, herausgegeben von Prof. Nicole Colin und Dr. Claire Demesmay. Das Buch geht der Frage nach, wie (und ob) die Erfahrung der deutsch-französischen Versöhnung einen Einfluss auf Versöhnungsprozesse in anderen Weltregionen hat.
Das Kapitel zum israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikt stammt von Gisela Dachs (Israel-Korrespondentin der NZZaSonntag und Professorin an der Hebräischen Universität in Jerusalem) und mir. Anbei das Abstract:
Transferability of the Franco-German Model in the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict
When it comes to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, the Franco-German rapprochement clearly has its limits as a transferable blueprint for reconciliation. At its core, the Israeli–Palestinian entanglement is not a rivalry between two entities only, but must be situated within the wider Israeli–Arabic conflict in which many players are at work. Nevertheless, this chapter points out that there are similarities, such as geographical proximity, the courage of political leaders to reach out to the “other side” in order to alter relationships and help to build trust, and the overriding influence of geopolitical changes. Even though these similarities are limited and should not be overrated, this chapter uses a combined theoretical and empirical approach to argue that the historical example of the Franco-German reconciliation shimmered through in the Middle Eastern peace talks time and again and serves to this day as a point of reference and projection space for hope.
Autoren: Cécile Cohen-Blaser, Gisela Dachs